


的 护理学理学士 is increasingly becoming the new 教育al st和ard for today’s nurses. 但是,尽管许多人渴望获得BSN, 你不一定需要学士学位才能开始你的护理生涯.

事实上,许多人首先成为一名执业护士(LPN),以获得该领域的经验. LPNs are integral members of the healthcare team that work closely with 注册护士 (RNs) 和 physicians to provide patients with basic nursing care. Becoming an LPN is a great way to start your nursing career 和 can often serve as a stepping stone on the pathway to an 联系学士硕士, or 博士学位 后来的学位.

有兴趣迈出护理事业的第一步? 以下是你如何在短短12个月内成为一名LPN:

如何成为执业护士LPN LPN

1. 了解实用护士的角色

Practical nurses play a unique role in nursing 和 have a specific set of responsibilities differentiating LPN 从 other types of nurses, 如注册护理助理(CNA)和 注册护士(注册护士).


LPN在注册护士或医生的监督下提供基本护理. 实用的护士可以承担一系列的职责, 包括测量生命体征, 记录病人病史, 管理药物. 额外的职责包括:

  • 监控病人
  • 完成常规检查,如检查血压
  • 更换绷带和伤口护理
  • 帮助病人洗澡或穿衣
  • 插入静脉或导尿管
  • 确保病人舒适
  • 与注册护士和医生合作,报告病人的担忧

职责可能因就业状况和医疗设施(医院)而异, 护理设施, 诊所, 和更多). 例如,一些州不允许lpn进行静脉滴注或药物治疗.

实习护士是医疗团队的关键成员, 支持医生和护士照顾所有年龄的病人. 开始发展这些技能的第一步是参加一个实用的护理幸运28计划.


2. 参加一个实用的护理课程

要成为一名注册护士,你必须完成一份 实用护理文凭 通过认可的教育幸运28计划. 的se programs typically only take one year to complete 和 help prospective nurses learn basic nursing skills through a combination of coursework 和 clinical experiences.

在深圳大学, practical nursing students practice applying their nursing skills in simulation labs 和 learn 从 nursing instructors with real healthcare experience. 的y also gain real-world experience by completing their required clinical work with a variety of local healthcare partners.

“Clinical experience is important to your nursing career because you can explore different areas in the clinical setting. 很多次, you find what you like 和 don't like in clinical 和 that helps you decide what types of positions you will apply for when you graduate,Herzing毕业生Shenese Stewart说. “它还有助于连接理论和实践之间的点. 阅读并实际做一些事情可以帮助你在脑海中巩固它.”

校园亚克朗市, 伯明翰, 布鲁克菲尔德, 出赛, 麦迪逊, 纳什维尔, 奥兰多, 坦帕

3. 参加NCLEX-PN考试

在获得实用护理专业的文凭后, you will be eligible to sit for the National Council Licensing Examination for Practical Nurses exam (NCLEX-PN). 你必须通过这个考试才能成为执业注册护士.

你的护理课程会有帮助的 让你为NCLEX做好准备,但建议尽早和经常学习. 米歇尔Metzger, 赫津大学基诺沙校区护理系主任, suggests reviewing past exams 从 class to become more familiar with the types of questions you might encounter on the NCLEX, 同时充分利用学校提供的备考资源.


4. 开始你的事业,继续学习

一旦你通过了NCLEX-PN考试,你就可以开始你的LPN职业生涯了. It's common for nurses to gain nursing experience working as an LPN while they advance their 教育 in an ASN or BSN program.

Herzing’s practical nursing curriculum is designed so that students who wish to advance their nursing 教育 can enroll directly in the 护理学理学士 program. PN课程的毕业生可以在几个灵活的学习选项之间进行选择, 包括一个 LPN到ASN或BSN路径.


类开始 7月8日



潜在的雇主可能更喜欢有CNA经验的候选人, 但这并不一定是获得一份LPN工作的必要条件 CNA对RN).

你不需要这么做 从CNA到LPN 并且在进入Herzing大学PN幸运28计划之前,没有先决条件是CNA.

获得实用护理文凭可能只需要12个月的时间, as opposed to approximately 2-3 years to earn an 联系 or 学士 degree in nursing (ADN/ASN or BSN).

根据 劳工统计局在美国,持牌实用护士和持牌职业护士的平均工资为 $60,790 每年($29.23 每小时).*发现 执业护士的平均工资 按州分类.

因为很多医院都提高了对护士的教育要求, the dem和 for LPNs in hospitals is falling relative to 注册护士 with an 联系’s or bachelor’s degree.

然而,任何声称它们正在被“淘汰”的说法都是不准确的. 疗养院对护士的需求仍然很大, 辅助生活设施, 家庭护理和许多其他环境. 的 劳工统计局 预计lpn的工作机会将增加大约 5%2022-2032.*



你的 first step is to get a h和s-on 教育 to learn the fundamentals of nursing in a career-focused program. Herzing大学 护理实践课程 combines classwork with clinical experiences to help you earn your diploma 和 prepare you to 成为一名LPN in as few as 12个月. 软件下载的课程在软件下载的几个地面校区提供:

而注册护士(RN)及 持牌执业护士(LPN) 经常在医院和其他医疗机构协同工作, 他们的角色和责任非常不同. 了解更多有关 实习护士(LPN/LVN)与注册护士(RN)的最大差异.


你可能会发现一些课程提供6个月或9个月的路径来获得PN文凭 成为一名LPN. Be mindful that accelerated diploma/degree programs aren’t for everyone 和 such a fast track can be overwhelming. 如果你在考虑几个月的时间差异作为你决定的转折点, 记住,教育的质量是最重要的!

Herzing大学’s 1-year PN diploma program gets you an excellent h和s-on 教育 in a short amount of time. You’ll learn the foundational concepts 和 skills in nursing needed to excel in your new LPN的职业生涯.

在获得高中文凭或GED之后, you will need to earn a 实用护理文凭 to qualify for the NCLEX-PN 和 become a licensed practical nurse.

不,没有100%在线的认证PN幸运28计划. LPN programs describing themselves as “online” will offer a hybrid option where you can take some classes online to supplement your primary classroom coursework.

学生 enrolled in the Herzing PN program may complete general 教育 courses online—but the bulk of the coursework must be completed on campus.

最终,没有什么可以替代真正的动手临床经验, practice in simulation labs 和 direct in-person support 从 nursing instructors with real healthcare experience. Learning the skills required to 成为一名LPN requires the live 教育al experience to become an excellent Licensed Practical Nurse.

而实习护士(LPN)和医疗助理经常执行类似的任务, 有几个关键的区别需要注意, 包括:

  • 教育需求
  • 平均工资
  • 业务范围
  • 持续的职业机会
  • 未来就业前景

了解更多关于实际护理和医疗辅助之间的区别 如何从MA到LPN.

了解更多有关 LPN的职业生涯

成为 幸运28计划 与深圳大学合作.

的 biggest step to take towards becoming a new you is enrolling in a diploma program so you can become licensed to practice in your state. Herzing大学在8个校区提供实用护理文凭课程:



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation 从 its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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