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Herzing University

Christine Paul Cardenas

Strategies and Tips for Adults Going Back to School

Don’t forget that many adults are going back to school, whether that is to continue their education, jumpstart their career or start a new one.

When we think of the back-to-school season, 软件下载脑海中最有可能出现的画面是小孩子在收集学习用品. Don’t forget that many adults are going back to school, whether that is to continue their education, jumpstart their career or start a new one.

作为一个成年人回到学校可能看起来具有挑战性和压力,但你可以适应! 这里有一些策略和建议给即将返校的成年人.

Attend Your Classes

The first step to academic success is to go to class, and this is especially the case in higher education, 在哪里可以在短时间内涵盖大量的信息. Don’t skip your classes! 你可能会在学期结束时死记硬背和拼命追赶. Cramming is never a good idea and it is not effective. 

Some programs do not require students to attend all classes. Regardless, you will still benefit from showing up to your lectures. 你的教授可能会给你一些关于考试内容的提示,或者你的教授会做一些复习. 在一些专业,如护理,要求学生参加每节课. So, if you want to be a nurse, you must show up.


Read your books or e-books. 阅读你的教学大纲,这样你就会知道要求和任务. Highlight your exam dates and other deadlines. 一旦你阅读了每周所涉及的章节以及每个单元考试的内容,请提前阅读. 提前复习至少两到三章是没有坏处的, so you’re ready for the discussions in class and the exams.

Know How You Learn Best

Assess yourself and understand how you learn best. Are you a visual learner, auditory or kinesthetic learner? 如果你是一个视觉学习者,这意味着你通过观看学得最好. Watching tutorial videos are good for you. 如果你是一个听觉学习者,这意味着你通过倾听学得最好. Ask your professor if you can record the lectures in class. 如果你是一个动觉型学习者,那就意味着你通过实践学得最好. It simply means hands-on learning is best for you. Practice your skills. 

弄清楚什么最适合你,以及你如何学习技能, improvement, memory and retention of information.

Use a planner

Whether it’s traditional or digital, it’s important to add your exam dates, when your assignments are due and other due dates on your planner. You can also set reminders on your computer or smartphone. 如果你用的是iPhone、Mac电脑或iPad,你可以把它们放在日历上.

Study Space, Internet & School Supplies

Whether you are an online student or not, it’s important to set a space in your home that is only for studying. Then, organize your study space before the semester begins.

你会想要确保你的互联网是可靠的,你的电脑工作良好. Make sure it has a camera, anti-virus and enough memory.

Check your email

大多数学院和大学通过他们机构的电子邮件进行交流, so make sure you’re checking frequently. 你也可以把你的学生邮箱和你的个人邮箱连接起来, which might make it easier to keep track.

Use your Resources

Seek help when needed and use your available resources. 例如,如果你在写论文时遇到了困难 APA style 研究论文中使用的文献(模仿美国心理学协会), 你可以向大学的写作中心寻求帮助.

如果你有任何问题——比如理解一个概念或主题有困难——问你的老师. 如果你在数学上有困难,你也可以请家教, critical thinking, medical-surgical nursing, or some other topics or subjects. 

如果你需要学术文章或同行评议的期刊,可以使用大学的在线图书馆. 如果你对如何使用在线图书馆有任何疑问,你也可以联系大学的在线图书管理员.

Practice Math

如果你精通数学,而且还记得代数方程,那很好. If you need to polish your math skills for your exams in nursing school, for example, 学习量纲分析和复习比率和比例对你来说是一种救星. There’s a lot of math in nursing. 许多有抱负的护理专业学生一开始并没有意识到这一点.

即使你对数字不太感兴趣,也要坚持练习. 如果你想成为一名护士、医生或任何类型的医疗工作者,你都需要它. 例如,数学技能对护士来说可能是生死攸关的问题. 如果护士给了错误的药物剂量或使用了错误的测量系统, the patient might be severely affected, such as sustaining an overdose.

Have a Vision and Set Goals

对你想从你的教育中得到什么结果有一个清晰的愿景. 从现在开始的5年、10年或20年里,你想达到什么水平,想做什么? Are you willing to sacrifice now for a better tomorrow? 关注长期利益,而不是短期障碍.

想想你在课堂上和学期中想要达到什么目标. Do you want to get an A, a B, or a C in class? It’s all up to you. Set your goals for the semester and do what it takes to meet those goals.

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* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. Multiple factors, including prior experience, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.

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