

QPR at Herzing: How Suicide Prevention Training Can Shape a Compassionate Community

赫京大学正在努力帮助所有的护士, healthcare professionals and community members open up about mental health challenges and the continuing stigma around suicide.

Suicide is often described as a permanent solution to a temporary situation. 对于那些有家庭的人来说, friends, 或者亲人自杀身亡, it can leave a permanent impact and a hole in the heart that never fully heals. 作为医护人员, you will face moments where you look back and wish that you could have done more, recognized a sign earlier or been able to help someone locate the resources they needed when they needed them the most. 

赫京大学正在努力帮助所有的护士, healthcare professionals and community members open up about mental health challenges and the continuing stigma around suicide. 通过一个新的伙伴关系 QPR研究所, Herzing has hosted an informative online suicide prevention training that can be the first step to saving a life.

QPR——问题的缩写, 说服, Refer — is a dynamic suicide prevention training that equips individuals with the tools to recognize warning signs of suicide and intervene effectively. Similar to how CPR empowers people to respond to physical emergencies, QPR teaches a three-step process aimed at bringing a voice and a spotlight to the often silent crises that occur when people begin to think about suicide.

“These trainings provide participants with the crucial skills to become gatekeepers—individuals strategically positioned to identify, engage, 建议那些有风险的人寻求专业帮助,海蒂·普利兹分享道, 心理治疗师和自杀预防专家硕士 & QPR研究所的看门人培训师.  “赫zing社区的每一个成员, 从教职员工到学生, 扮演着守门人的重要角色. We must understand the responsibility that comes with this position — the ability to recognize a crisis and extend a lifeline.”

CPR and QPR are integral components of a life-saving "Chain of Survival" system. 这个链条包括早期识别, CPR, defibrillator use and advanced life support in emergency cardiac care. 类似的, QPR为自杀预防建立了平行的生存链, 强调预警信号的早期识别, 快速QPR干预, 参考资源, 以及早期的高级生命维持系统.

自2000年以来,自杀率下降了 增加了40%现在每11分钟就有一人死亡 prompting communities nationwide to strategize on the most effective way to create an informed, 富有同情心的, 并主动提醒社区. With Herzing’s emphasis on nursing and other crucial healthcare degrees, 与QPR研究所的合作是一种自然的合作.

Herzing”, we recognize that education is not just about degrees; it's about creating a community that cares. QPR, 它强调预防自杀, perfectly aligns with our campus-wide vision for empowering and educating our community,” said HERZING代表. “这种培训超出了教室的范围, fostering a culture where every member of Herzing becomes a 富有同情心的 caretaker, 不管他们的学位如何.”

The partnership between Herzing and QPR is an investment in saving lives and breaks down stigmas surrounding the complex challenges of mental health. Empowering individuals to recognize warning signs and intervene transforms communities into supportive networks.

“这不仅仅是一次培训, it's a commitment to building a community of caring individuals who can make a difference in the lives of those struggling with suicidal thoughts and mental health challenges,普里茨尔分享道. “Partnering with an institution like Herzing allows us to empower others through education, effectively fostering an environment where everyone is equipped to be a supportive ally in the fight against suicide.”

Attendees of Herzing’s QPR training will benefit by being able to address mental health issues, reduce existing stigma and more fully understand the intricacies of the prevention process.
 培养一种幸福的文化, Herzing sees that mental health extends beyond just targeted training programs. Broader commitment requires delivering comprehensive resources such as stress management techniques, cognitive therapy approaches and ongoing conversations with university and community leaders about bringing light to topics around mental health. 

“这些培训是对行动的呼吁. 今天通过教育, we are saving lives tomorrow and creating a more accepting and connected community long term,普里茨说. ”在一起, we are not just learning; we are shaping a future of empathy, 理解, 和弹性.”

有关即将到来的QPR培训的更多信息,请与 QPR研究所 网上或浏览 你当地的荷晶校区学生服务部.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook Handbook 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the average salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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