



16-20 Mo.











认证CODA认证,1 Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission
混合跟踪Choose on-campus classes or our unique 混合跟踪, offering online delivery of main program coursework; available through our 明尼阿波里斯市 campus
选项大专文凭 和 diploma options
通路获得学位的途径 Bachelor of Science in 口腔卫生
职业准备Graduates will be prepared to sit for the Dental Assistant State Licensure Exam (DASLE) (MN), 法学考试(MN), 和 the Certified Dental Assistant (CDA®) exams to become a Licensed Dental Assistant (LDA) in the State of 明尼苏达州 和 become a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA®) through the 牙科协助 National Board (DANB).
快速通道转移信用, 可叠起堆放的凭证, 和 艾达ptive learning technology build a faster pathway to a higher education Herzing与大学


Join a vibrant class of students 和 faculty e年龄r to help 你 find 你的 way to a new career path.



(612) 360-2484
St. 路易斯公园,明尼苏达州55426

Choose 你的 degree path in dental assisting

The dental assisting program in 明尼阿波里斯市 offers diploma 和 associate degree options which prepare 你 for a career as a dental assistant. The program provides students with fundamental knowledge 和 skills in pre-clinical dental assisting, 口腔科学, 放射学, 牙科管理, 还有更多.



Discover the crucial knowledge 和 skills required to succeed in 你的 work 和 build a foundation for continued career growth.


混合交付允许您在您的时间表上完成一些在线课程. We work hard to help 你 maintain school-life balance.


Get face-to-face instruction 从 experienced 和 credentialed faculty with real-world success in the field.


软件下载将为您的职业发展提供全面的服务, personalized student services with lifelong career coaching.


No application deadlines to worry about. Apply when 你’re ready 和 prepare to get started soon.


Available at the 明尼阿波里斯市 campus only


通过选择此按钮,您同意接收来自Herzing大学的更新和提醒. Text HELP to 85109 for help, Text STOP to 85109 to end. 味精 & 数据速率可能适用. 通过选择加入, I authorize Herzing大学 to deliver SMS mess年龄s 和 I underst和 that I am not required to opt in as a condition of enrollment. 不勾选此框,您将无法选择接收SMS消息. 点击阅读 条款与条件隐私政策.

遵循 你的 职业生涯路径 Herzing与

牙科辅助文凭 程序
  • 幸运28计划的长度: 16个月
  • :查看 课程
  • 凭证了牙科助理文凭
Associate Degree in 牙科协助 程序
  • 幸运28计划的长度: 20个月
  • :查看 课程
  • 凭证了: Associate of Science in 牙科协助
口腔卫生 Bachelor's Degree 程序
  • 幸运28计划的长度: 36个月
  • :查看 课程
  • 凭证了: Bachelor of Science in 口腔卫生


We strive to provide maximum flexibility for students, because we know everyone learns differently 和 there is no one-size-fits-all approach to education. 软件下载的程序是为 .

这就是为什么软件下载软件下载的牙科辅助幸运28计划提供多种接生选择的原因, 适用于软件下载的文凭课程和副学士课程:

  • 校园类. 在软件下载位于明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯的校园亲自学习所有课程.
  • 混合跟踪. 在网上学习主要课程, 和 complete laboratory 和 clinical coursework at our state-of-the-industry dental clinic in St. Louis Park (1 or 2 weekends per month).

Go 从 Dental Assistant to Dental Hygienist

与深圳大学合作, 你有机会在4年内获得牙科助理和牙科卫生证书! 通过软件下载独特的途径, 你可以在短短20个月内开始你的牙科助理职业生涯, 然后在你工作的同时继续学习口腔卫生职业.

  • Begin building dental assisting job experience
  • 拥有两项行业当前资格证书,在就业市场中脱颖而出
  • Finish 你的 dental assisting program with a 3.平均成绩在0分或以上,你就有资格获得奖学金





学费 & 成本

16 - 20个月 | 47 - 68学分

$515 每一个信用

你是 值得的.


学费 & 成本

与深圳大学合作, 一个负担得起的, 以职业为重点的牙科辅助教育是你力所能及的. 软件下载一直在努力让每个人都能上得起大学.

的机会 金融援助 包括:


Dental assisting program enrollment requirements


  • Completion of a high school diploma, GED or equivalent
  • 与赫京大学的招生顾问见面并进行面试
  • 完成注册申请

现在通过 9月30日

艾玛找到了自己的使命. 你是下一个吗??

“I’m going to have a job when I’m done, 和 that’s that. I feel really proud to say it, 和 it feels good. I’m excited to actually do something that I enjoy doing now.”


Career possibilities in dental assisting

牙科助理在牙医的监督下与牙医密切合作. 对于许多, this entry-level occupation provides basic dental assisting training 和 experience 和 serves as a steppingstone to more highly-skilled 和 higher paying jobs.


  • 椅子旁边的牙科助理
  • 牙科前台员工
  • 牙科诊所接待员
  • 办公室经理
  • 牙科辅助教师
  • Dental product sales representatives
  • Insurance claims processors for dental insurance companies
  • Others go back to school to become dental hygienists

作为牙医助理, 你可能会执行各种各样的任务,包括主席助理, 患者教育, 以射线照片, 抛光牙齿, 留下印象等等. 除了, these professionals can also be involved in office-related tasks such as scheduling 和 confirming appointments, 保存治疗记录, 处理病人付款和订购用品和其他材料.



根据 劳工统计局, employment of dental assistants is expected to rise 7%2022-2032, faster than the aver年龄 across all U.S. 职业.

Dentists are expected to hire more assistants to perform routine tasks so that they may devote their own time to more complex procedures. 除了, numerous job openings will arise out of the need to replace assistants who transfer to other 职业, 退休, 或者因为其他原因离开.

Now is a great time to begin earning the education 你 need to join this growing career field.


常见 问题

It can take less than 2 years to become a dental assistant well-prepared to succeed right 从 the start.

少多少取决于你选择什么样的教育途径. 在明尼阿波利斯的赫zing大学,你有两个选择:

一旦你毕业了, all that’s left is getting certified to position 你的self best to find 你的 first job in dental assisting.

Dental assisting can be hard if it’s not the right type of job for 你的 personality—or if 你’re unprepared to succeed in the position.

Earning a formal education helps 你 build the knowledge 和 skills to be comfortable in the role right 从 the start.

Dental assistants work in a well-lit, clean environment either chair-side with a dentist or in an administrative role or lab setting.  全职和兼职职位提供白天和/或晚上工作, offering a diverse range of work settings 从 large corporations with multiple locations to smaller 私人诊所s. 牙科助理也可以在学校、医院和军队工作.


  • H和ling instruments 和 operating dental equipment
  • Sterilizing instruments 和 equipment
  • Taking dental x-rays 和 processing the film
  • 切除缝合
  • 在牙龈上使用局部麻醉剂或在牙齿上使用预防蛀牙的药物
  • 在牙齿上放置橡胶屏障以隔离牙齿进行个别治疗
  • 与牙医一起坐在椅子旁协助手术
  • 获取患者的健康和牙科病史信息
  • 制作诊断性牙科x光片,以帮助制定治疗计划
  • 在牙科诊所内应用当前的感染控制技术
  • 执行扩展功能, 比如抛光, 使用密封剂和其他, with appropriate training in line with state m和ates

除了, these professionals can also be involved in office-related tasks such as scheduling 和 confirming appointments, 保存治疗记录, 处理病人付款和订购用品和其他材料.

牙科助理可以在各种不同的环境中工作. 其中包括, 但不限于, 私人诊所, 诊所, 军事地位, 惩教设施, 养老院, 学校, 卫生部门和实验室.  Herzing大学 provides its dental assistant program graduates with a wide range of skills that can be applied to a variety of settings.

专业的牙科助理表现出卓越的时间管理技能, 多任务处理能力, 注重细节, 和 contribute to a positive team environment while focusing on patient care as a top priority.

在Herzing大学,你永远不会独自支付牙科辅助学校的费用. There are  many potential options for 金融援助, 包括贷款, 奖学金, VA /军事利益, 和更多的. 请与软件下载联系.

你可以使用 Herzing学费向导 确定软件下载的牙科辅助文凭或副学士学位的学费, available through our 明尼阿波里斯市 campus.


如果你有良好的人际关系, 听, 组织能力, 你 have the potential to be an excellent dental assistant. Dental assistants can take on many types of tasks, 和 你 must be prepared to be a versatile team player, e年龄r to do whatever is needed to help things run smoothly.

牙科助理通常有固定的办公时间(晚上和/或周末), 在某些情况下), 各种工作职责, 以及为他们未来的职业发展打下坚实的经验基础.

Enrolling in a diploma or degree program to become a dental assistant can really be 值得的!

根据 劳工统计局, dental assistants earn an aver年龄 salary of $47,350 每年($22.77 每小时).*


Dental assistants help dentists deliver dental care to patients by taking on a mix of patient care 和 administrative duties. Their scope of practice depends on state regulations, but common responsibilities of a dental assistant 包括:

  • Prepare patients for treatments 和 procedures
  • 用x射线
  • 保留记录
  • 安排预约
  • Assist patients in billing 和 payment
  • 消毒器械,在手术过程中协助牙医
  • 在手术前记录病史、血压和脉搏
  • Talk to patients about proper oral hygiene

What dental assistants do on a daily basis depends on the specific roles 和 responsibilities included in the job description, 这可能因雇主而异.


认证 & 信息披露

1. The Associate of Applied Science in 牙科协助 和 the 牙科辅助文凭 programs are accredited by the Commission on Dental 认证. The Commission is a specialized accrediting body recognized by the United States 教育部. The Commission on Dental 认证 can be contacted at (312) 440-4653 or at 211 East 芝加哥 Avenue, 芝加哥, IL 60611-2678.  委员会的网址是: http://www.ada.org/en/coda. 因此, graduates are eligible to take the examinations leading to certified dental assistant (CDA®) certification through the 牙科协助 National Board (DANB).

浙江大学是经高等教育委员会认证的高等院校.org)是美国认可的机构认证机构.S. 教育部.

View Herzing大学 认证 和 Approvals

* 劳工统计局 (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which 你 want to work 和 degree field, will affect career outcomes 和 earnings. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation 从 its program will result in a job, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.

明尼阿波里斯市 牙科协助 学生 in Lab

Come visit our campus in 明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市 to learn more about Herzing’s dental assistant programs 和 how we can help 你 reach 你的 career goals.


St. 路易斯公园,明尼苏达州55426
 (612) 360-2484

查看所有 明尼阿波利斯学位课程.

我之所以选择赫兹大学,是因为它的牙科助理幸运28计划. 同时做一份全职工作和上学是一个挑战, but my teachers kept pushing me to keep going. 我从来没有休息过.

杰西卡Stertzbach Herzing大学 Testimonial




Contact us to request more information


通过选择此按钮,您同意接收来自Herzing大学的更新和提醒. Text HELP to 85109 for help, Text STOP to 85109 to end. 味精 & 数据速率可能适用. 通过选择加入, I authorize Herzing大学 to deliver SMS mess年龄s 和 I underst和 that I am not required to opt in as a condition of enrollment. 不勾选此框,您将无法选择接收SMS消息. 点击阅读 条款与条件隐私政策.